Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Another update

So, Thomas is getting really squished in his little habitat. He gets really mad at me if I lay, sit, stand or, do anything that prevents him from getting a full stretch in at his beck & call :) Also, the doctor has me doing this kick count chart, where I count 10 kicks within an hour period. It's really kind of pointless, because I feel him kick/squirm/hickup/stretch/jab/poke/prod/(getting the point?) at me CONSTANTLY. His favorite playtime seems to be 4 am. Which is great, because after I turn, squirm, use the "facilities" a million times, and FINALLY get comfortable-around 3, he's like "OOOH-the playground is OPEN!!" Hmm. Wonder what midnight feedings are going to be like.

I think Steve's starting to get a little more nervous (Shh, don't tell him I told you, he'll deny-it I'm sure). I mean, 10 more weeks-who wouldn't be? I'm nervous too, but I think this time around, it really is more about making sure that the schedule fits. I know, I know, I was one who scoffed at women who tried to "schedule" the birth into their hectic lives. Lord knows, I'm gonna be that girl begging them to figure out a way to stop labor if it's before the 17th! The nurses will quietly giggle & make fun at me too, I'm sure. Really, though. Andrew has an end of the year blowout celebrating their transition from the "little kid's school" (my words-not his!) at the beach. Hannah gets her first field trip to the Wave Waterpark for school. Should Thomas come before that, chances are, they're going to miss this stuff. It really isn't fair now, is it? So see-the scoffer has a reason to become the scoffee!

On side notes-Andrew got to do a hitting clinic for baseball. I was fortunate enough to join the last 1/2 hour of the 2nd day. The guy was REALLY good. I think Andrew gained a lot from it, and will be able to take it with him for the rest of his life-if he can remember it, the stinkin' preteen! We got done with the clinic, went to a scrimmage, and already he was forgetting what he learned. It wasn't till the game was over that he was like "oh yeah-I completely forgot to do what he said huh huh huh" <---that's a dopish laugh by the way :)

We had a great Easter Vacation. Spent a lot of time hanging out with a good friend, and got to see the kids go to their friends houses. Each kid got a special day with me. Little bit of summer clothes shopping, little bit of household stuff shopping, and a great lunch. It was really nice to reconnect with both of them again, as individuals. Knowing that it'll be a while before we get to do that again made it even more special.

Hmm. I think that about sums it up. Steve's and my life are right about where they were last posting.


  1. Finally an update! So good to hear every thing is going good...except the 4am wake ups! Put up some belly shots already...I've got to see just how cute you must be!

  2. I'm dying for the PROMISED pictures too!!! Hurry, hurry, hurry!

