Friday, June 19, 2009

"The Raging Hormone"

Oh my, Andrew's graduation on Wednesday was interesting. At least I made the entire class of 2009 5th graders laugh at me! (Ok, mostly just Andrew's friends, but STILL).

Ok, so it was a cute theme-Hawaiian. The mood was light, the music sweet but not sappy. THEN, of course, they start singing this song about growing up and how they love us as their role models and blabbity blabbity blabbity. THANKS GUYS! I started bawling like a big fat baby. Which, of course, sent Thomas into contraction mode. Which made Andrew's friends start poking him and whispering "Hey man-isn't that your MOM?" which made him start doing that "Ohmygoshohmygoshohmygosh" look along with a few of his own eye rolling, snickering laughs. Which THEN, in turn, makes Kathy start busting up laughing, shooting pictures of me looking like a big blathering idiot, which of course, makes ME start busting up laughing. So there I am, laughing, crying, and contracting, all the while, the kids are singing this sweet song dedicated to their parents. I find out later, Mr. Brian told the kids "I'm picking this song, because it's guaranteed to make them cry" OH... MY.... GOSH!! Let me remember to be on the committee when YOUR kid graduates! :)

The funny thing is, it's just 5th grade. I mean, 6th is a big leap from 5th, but not REALLY. There's much bigger milestones that Andrew's leapt through that I didn't cry like he was leaving us forever!

ahhhhh, hormones.

Yes, that would be Andrew singing the song-told you he was snickering at me! Stinkin' kid!
I am ONLY adding this picture because if I'm going to talk about how horrible I was, I guess I should show it.

An official Middle Schooler now!

Awesome kid!

Andrew and his partner in crime, Sean

Andrew's teacher, Mr. Korporaal. I cannot say enough good things about Mr. K. He will always be a huge part of why Andrew is the Andrew we see now. Plus, he made reading cool, and anyone who can do that just plain rocks in my eyes!

Drumroll please.......................The infamous Mr. Brian!!!

Part of the group of boys that ruled T.H.E. A rascally bunch, but all very good, kind, sweet kids. You couldn't hand pick a better bunch of boys!

I told them to "show me what you guys were REALLY like all these years" They didn't fail me!


  1. Okay...that simultaneously made me laugh and terrified me. My Liam is three, and I'm panicking about just thinking about sending him to pre-school! I'm a mushball for milestones, too, and it sounds like you held it together WAY better than I expect to...;)

    Love the music!

  2. Wow, that brings back memories of when my daughter left elementary school and went to middle school. Not that you would know anything about that. LOL

    I love you like crazy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
