Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Our Boring Little Lives :)

Not much has changed lately, except we've all gotten a little older! Andrew started up with Winter Ball for baseball, and is on the Major Orioles. He started middle school, at my old school. That is definitely strange. To see so many of my memories as I walked through the campus, and to know that he will have many of his own. Now, with Facebook so popular, a lot of people we'd have never seen again we "see" on a daily basis. Class reunions almost seem silly now! Anywho, he's adjusting really well. He was extremely nervous in the beginning (Of course!) but after just a day or 2 he fell right into the routine. I definitely miss my sleeping in until 9 but I can deal with it I guess!

Hannah's in the 3rd grade, and her teacher's name is Ms. Love. How cool of a name is that? Hannah says she's a really nice teacher. I get to meet her tomorrow night at the open house. Hannah also has her first day back to Girl Scouts. It's almost nut sale time! So if you're interested in any, let me know. A good portion of the money goes back into the troop.

Also, from all the cookie sales the girls made last season they're getting to do a lot of cool stuff. They did a Build A Bear trip, and the money also paid for all of the girl's membership fees for the year. Also, if I recall correctly, it's going to pay for their weekend camping trip this September!

Thomas is growing like a weed. His Budha belly is starting to stick out. Last night he had his hand spread over his belly, and we were laughing so hard because he looked like a little fat man who passes out on the couch after too much beer and football! He still coos a lot and likes to tell me stories. His feeding & sleep schedule have taken on an actual semi-predictable routine, which makes it a lot easier for me to get through my day.

Steve is still struggling with what to do w/the business. Should he stay? Should he go? Nobody is really clear on what's going to happen with the property he's currently in, but he doesn't trust the owner so he feels very uneasy staying there. He wants to be able to build up the business, but really can't because he doesn't know if he'll be there much longer. It's annoying too, because this is one of those opportunities that, with very minimal startup, could do extremely well, even in this economy.

I am just doing my thing...It's almost canning season! I already have my Strawberry jam done, but now I'm getting amped up for Peach Plum Jam, yummy grape jelly, and of course, pear butter..yum! Well, if I see a good price on pears that is! I always swore I would only can it if it was cheaper than buying it in the stores.

I'm also considering going back to homemade food for Thomas. I saw the price of baby food now and was absolutely SHOCKED! So I'm going to go invest in some ice cube trays and start cooking it now, so that when he's ready for it, I'm stock piled with food that was at peak season when I made it! I won't be canning those though! Just freezer!

Well, it's time to feed Thomas then pack up for school pickup. I rather enjoy the quiet, but I guess I gotta get 'em at some point, huh?

Looking at Hannah

Call me ;)

All wrapped up after a bath

First day of school blues..

Forced smile or what?!

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