Sunday, June 28, 2009

Thomas' Birth Day Story

Let's hope that little Mr. Sleeping Beauty decides to keep on sleeping right now, so that I can finally get some time to post our story.

It started on Tuesday morning around 6:00 in the morning. I had some really strong contractions for about 45 minutes, and then....NOTHING. Absolutely NOTHING. So, I decided to stay up & just do whatever. Enjoyed a cup of coffee, went on my usual email/website/twitter/news update run. Then at 8:41 I had one of those iffy contractions. Feels exactly like the real thing, just really weak. I started having those every 7-10 minutes without any regularity for about 2 hours. They only went over a 10 minute period once-and that was 11 minutes apart. Steve was getting up to go to work, and I asked him what he wanted to do. We decided to call the labor & delivery nurse to get her advice. I was completely honest with her. I told her they were regular, felt exactly like a "real" contraction, but that I could talk through them. In fact, I had a contraction on the phone and said "see, this is what I sound like with these contractions." She told me that I was more than welcome to come in to be checked, but that chances were to not get my hopes up. So we took our time. We packed up the last of our bags. I did the dishes, cleaned up a little bit, got the kids finished packing for their "activities bag" to keep them busy during the wait at the hospital. We left and did a couple of errands. Steve had to stop at the bank for cash for the vending machines & stuff at the hospital. I realized I hadn't eaten anything yet, so we stopped and got some food. We had planned everything well, but didn't have any tape for the video camera (gotta love procrastination!) so we went into Rite-Aid and got the tapes. Steve was wandering towards the aisles to start perusing the cool stuff, and I was getting irritated because I was afraid my contractions would stop before we got to the hospital and then I'd lose my chance of being admitted. I started having less regular & more sporadic contractions at that point, and each one wasn't really all that painful. I was able to stand without help & whisper, I just couldn't carry on conversation too easily.

So finally we make it over to the hospital around 1:45 or so. She hooks me up to the monitor, and...NOTHING. Not a single darn contraction. She checked my cervix and told me I was about 3 centimeters with 50% effacement. That was good, because at my appointment Friday I had been 2 1/2 with 30%. Just as she was about to unhook the monitor, I had a doozy of a contraction (thank goodness!) so she told us she was going to ask the doctor what he wanted us to do. Doctor's advice was to go ahead and walk around the halls for an hour & see what would happen. So we walked. And walked. And walked. The good thing was, I started getting regular contractions, all 5 minutes apart. They started getting a little stronger. I could tell because my irritation meter started shooting up whenever one would hit!

So, after about an hour of walking with regular contractions the nurse hooks me up to the monitor again. Guess what. NOTHING. NADA. ZIP. ZILCH! No more stinkin' contractions! I asked her if she would check me again, because I knew I wasn't imagining things. So she checks me and says I'm up to 3 1/2 maybe 4. She's about to send me home when a series of contractions start up. Irregular but definitely there. So the doctor comes in, checks me and says "Nope..she's at 5" Looks at me and says "Congratulations're gonna have a baby today" My mouth dropped....whuuuuuu?? Oh. My. Gosh. This is real now.

Ok, so here's the point in the story where I stop everything and tell you the side note about the nurse. She was definitely not the nicest nurse you've ever met in your life. The whole time we were being checked, she was being extremely rude to us. Her bedside manner was very abrupt, she didn't talk, smile, make eye contact-NOTHING. She started having a coughing fit and didn't cover her mouth. She coughed on me, Steve, the linens closet as she was looking for something, and while she was examining me. At one point she actually burped OUT LOUD without so much as an "oops..excuse me." When I said I was glad that I was at almost a 4 and at least that's getting towards the halfway point to Steve, she rudely interrupted me and said "Um, no, actually it's more like a 2 1/2 to 3" extremely sarcastic. When the doctor came in and said I as a 5 she acted like she was surprised, as though she didn't actually know how to check centimeters at all or something.

Also, one of the stipulations of my being able to deliver at the hospital so close to home was that I was to get the same Liver Function tests that I had been receiving ever since my hospital stay. It was made extremely clear to me what I was to inform the nurses & doctors about, and that it was vital that I follow the orders, because they still didn't know what had ever happened to me. She said very rudely "Honey-I don't know what you need those tests for, so I don't know what tests to perform" I told her for the umpteenth time that I had the paper in the car & Steve could go down and get it for her so that she would know exactly what to test for. So Steve leaves as I'm being rushed a bag of I.V. fluids to be allowed to start the epidural soon. All of a sudden I had the worst urge to pee EVER. Only thing was-the nurse was gone and she hadn't left me the call button. So there I am-having to go so bad that I was seriously considering just wetting the bed because it was so painful and no one around to help me. I called Steve on the bedside phone (luckily I knew how to use it from my previous hospital stint) to tell him to please figure out how to send a nurse to me because I was totally stuck there. So he's rushing back to the room-the nurse pops in for 2 seconds with this Styrofoam wedge thing and literally PLOPS it on my legs. Just as I'm about to say "oh thank goodness, I really have to use the restroom" she gets a call on her cell phone (at this point I have no idea it's the way the nurses communicate-I think it's just a cell phone) I'm opening my mouth to speak and she starts walking out of the room. UMMMM. So Steve makes it back, unhooks me from everything (again, only because of our previous hospital stay) I use the restroom & start getting back into the bed while Steve's going to hook me up again. She walks in the room, stands there blankly looking directly at Steve hooking me back up-all the while she's blocking him from getting through. At this point she takes the wedge & shoves it under my right side, leaving me totally off balance w/my back muscles trying to compensate for being elevated in such a weird position. I tell her it's really uncomfortable, is there any way I can get a pillow or something to place on the other side to sort of balance me out. She sort of sighs or huffs or whatever and leaves for my pillow. Steve and I are getting angrier by the minute. We hadn't realized that we'd be stuck with her for so long. I had talked to Kathy, who is a nurse at the same hospital, and she told me her shift would be over at 7 (2 1/2 hours away at this point) so I should consider asking for a new nurse if this was how it was going to be. So anyway, the nurse comes back and gets another call on her cell phone so she drops the pillow on my foot and walks over to my chart and starts whining "I know..I know, but she keeps insisting on these really, I understand, but if she keeps demanding them, I don't know what else we should do!"

Oh. No. She. Didn't.

So I interrupt her little phone call with "Um, excuse me, NO." She looks up startled as I say "You know what, just discharge me-I'm going to go to Kaiser in San Diego right now" So she tells whoever is on the phone "Let me call you back, I need to talk to the patient" I let loose exactly how I felt about her. Everything. How dare she drop things on my feet, leave a patient without any communication in a room all by herself delivering a BABY, treat me as though I'm a lesion because I am telling them I need some tests, force me, the patient, to even COMMUNICATE those tests back and forth (isn't that THEIR job?) and then say in front of ME, the PATIENT that I am insisting and being demanding. Isn't that a conversation you take OUTSIDE????" So that witch of a doctor comes over to my side, starts stroking my ARM and saying "I know hon, I know..I'm on YOUR side. It was the mean old doctor telling me he wouldn't do it and I was DEFENDING you" She then proceeds to tell me to basically "shush" because she knows how tired I am, and that I've been struggling with a frustrating labor so far and I need to just relax" So that was the point that Steve starting ripping into her. "Um, NO, it's not being tired-it's YOU. We were in the hospital for FIVE DAYS and if a doctor tells us to get some damn blood work done, we're gonna get that blood work done. If that means leaving the hospital and going to Kaiser, then FINE, that's what we're going to do, but he damn sure weren't going to sit here and watch his wife get treated this way for advice given to her from her doctor" The lady just about looked like she was going to cry. Good. So she whimpers "Do you want a new nurse?" Without pause or hesitation I said "ABSOLUTELY. Thank you."

So now we resume our labor story, which, by the way, is completely boring at this point. Don't feel guilty if your eyes glaze over :)~

So then things start to really warm up. Our nurse comes in, the most beautiful angel in the world, apologizes for her colleagues behavior and stunned because she was surprised that we were unsatisfied with her service. We let her know that it would impossible to tell w/out a patient complaining, because she was sweet as sugar to us whenever someone else was there.
Anyway, the nurse gets me all set up for the epidural to be started. He comes in, performs the procedure, and the nurse sat there with her forehead against mine the entire time, talking quietly, telling me exactly what was going to happen next-telling me when to breath and when to hold my breath. She whispered encouragement the entire time, and before I knew it, I was doped up!

My body decided to go into hyper drive once my epidural was in. I was feeling some pain, but we attributed it to the catheter or just the pressure that happens even though the epidural was in place. I went to7 centimeters within a matter of an hour or so. Then, all of a sudden, I started feeling really bad pain. The epidural was only working on my stomach and back, but I could literally feel myself moving up in centimeters. So as we waited for the anesthesiologist Steve got to go through the holding of the hand, wiping of the brow contractions that every man should have to help through in order to get a child. Finally the anesthesiologist comes in and gives me 2 shots of something or other which put my legs into an oatmeal mush-the kind you get when you get work done on your teeth, and you can feel how mushy your mouth is, but it feels like there's nothing there at the same time. I couldn't even assist in moving me at all-they had to heave me up whenever I started slipping. I felt like that TLC show "The Half Ton Man" as they were counting to three and shoving me up by the pads underneath me :) Anyway, at least there wasn't any more pain. Then, at around 9 1/2 centimeters I got really nauseous. They offered me an anti-nausea medicine and I said it would probably be a good idea, since we were getting so close to pushing and everything. So she put the stuff in my I.V. and oh my gosh. I turned into a total nutcase. I was freaking out-worried about pushing because I felt so weird. I was sweating, still feeling nauseated, I don't even know what else. I couldn't move my legs, I was afraid of how I was going to keep them up to push. I don't know-just went plum crazy I guess. So everyone did their best to calm me down. At that point Hannah expressed how much she wanted to be in the room also, so the nurse said she would allow an extra person (we were only allowed 4 total, so Hannah made 5) Anyway, I started feeling the pressure of needing to push-something I don't remember feeling so strongly with Andrew or Hannah. I told the nurse, so she checked me and was surprised I was at 10 (we were anticipating another 2 to 3 hours before we got to 10) So she told me to give those first tentative pushes to see if she needed to call the doctor. 2 pushes in and she was saying "don't push don't push!" So the doctor comes in, tells me to give a push, then says "OK, now give me a minute" I don't know the exact amount of pushes, but they tell me from that 1st push with the nurse to the last push it was 13 minutes. Poor Steve & Michelle got stuck holding my legs the whole time, so they didn't get to go over to the table and see him for the first 10 minutes or so. Kathy was video taping the whole time so at least we got to see afterwards everything we missed while the doctor was finishing up.

At 12:13 a.m. Thomas Nash Amaral was born weighing 8 pounds 4 ounces and 19 inches long. Hannah was extremely pleased to be the largest over her 2 brothers (8 pounds 13 ounces 20.5 inches long). Unfortunately, after the initial belly minute with Thomas on me, I wasn't able to hold him for a few hours. I was really shaky and couldn't move well. I was still nauseous and was completely afraid I would drop Thomas. The kids got to hold him. Hannah sang little songs to him, and Andrew was so overcome with emotion he started crying when he held him (remember my story earlier about Andrew's graduation-pretty much exactly like that).

Steve looked like the proudest Papa to ever walk the planet. I have never in my life seen him the way I do now with Thomas. It is the most beautiful thing ever.

No matter what happens in this life, I hope that Thomas always knows he is loved more than any one of us can express.

Friday, June 19, 2009

"The Raging Hormone"

Oh my, Andrew's graduation on Wednesday was interesting. At least I made the entire class of 2009 5th graders laugh at me! (Ok, mostly just Andrew's friends, but STILL).

Ok, so it was a cute theme-Hawaiian. The mood was light, the music sweet but not sappy. THEN, of course, they start singing this song about growing up and how they love us as their role models and blabbity blabbity blabbity. THANKS GUYS! I started bawling like a big fat baby. Which, of course, sent Thomas into contraction mode. Which made Andrew's friends start poking him and whispering "Hey man-isn't that your MOM?" which made him start doing that "Ohmygoshohmygoshohmygosh" look along with a few of his own eye rolling, snickering laughs. Which THEN, in turn, makes Kathy start busting up laughing, shooting pictures of me looking like a big blathering idiot, which of course, makes ME start busting up laughing. So there I am, laughing, crying, and contracting, all the while, the kids are singing this sweet song dedicated to their parents. I find out later, Mr. Brian told the kids "I'm picking this song, because it's guaranteed to make them cry" OH... MY.... GOSH!! Let me remember to be on the committee when YOUR kid graduates! :)

The funny thing is, it's just 5th grade. I mean, 6th is a big leap from 5th, but not REALLY. There's much bigger milestones that Andrew's leapt through that I didn't cry like he was leaving us forever!

ahhhhh, hormones.

Yes, that would be Andrew singing the song-told you he was snickering at me! Stinkin' kid!
I am ONLY adding this picture because if I'm going to talk about how horrible I was, I guess I should show it.

An official Middle Schooler now!

Awesome kid!

Andrew and his partner in crime, Sean

Andrew's teacher, Mr. Korporaal. I cannot say enough good things about Mr. K. He will always be a huge part of why Andrew is the Andrew we see now. Plus, he made reading cool, and anyone who can do that just plain rocks in my eyes!

Drumroll please.......................The infamous Mr. Brian!!!

Part of the group of boys that ruled T.H.E. A rascally bunch, but all very good, kind, sweet kids. You couldn't hand pick a better bunch of boys!

I told them to "show me what you guys were REALLY like all these years" They didn't fail me!

Monday, June 15, 2009

Update to the All Stars

So, I'm feeling a little less stressed after talking with the coaches at the meeting tonight. He is totally understanding of Andrew's missing some practice for his baby brother. Also, games won't begin until July 5th, so there's no worry of him missing games. I will even be able to go to a few as long as we all get the clean bill of health. I'll just tattoo a message on Thomas' forehead saying "Look all you want, but if you touch me my mom will probably kill you!" haha

I'm so proud of the bugger!

Now I'm just waiting until we get close to game time to head back over to watch his Tournament of Champions game. Holy guacamole, I feel like one of "those" moms!

Add Another One To The List

Poor Thomas-he's never gonna be allowed out, I guess!

Andrew made All Stars!!

Meeting today, then his Tournament of Champions game..practices all week, and I believe games for All Stars are like, um, NEXT WEEK. AHH!

At least Steve'll be home, so it might actually be EASIER when Thomas is born. Except then I'll be missing Andrew's games most likely.


Friday, June 12, 2009

My Cup Runneth Over

I was hit with an overwhelming feeling of total love and pride for my kids yesterday. Not that I don't love them all the time. It's just that, as any parent knows, as time wears on, you sort of-well, not forget that you love and admire your kids-you just get drawn into the daily humdrum that is life. The tide that washes over you is so far back on the beach that it takes a great wave to bring it back in.

I haven't had so many compliments given to me about those 2 as I did yesterday from random people at various times throughout the afternoon. Not that I need the approval of strangers-don't get me wrong. But it felt good to hear the compliments on them.

They really are superb kids. Words cannot express how proud I am of them. Not for the stuff they do, though that's great too. It's for what wonderful souls they have. Loving, empathetic, strong, genuinely GOOD human beings. I can't imagine a world without them. I can't even fathom my life without my daily doses of Hannah-isms, and Andrew's goofy jokes. A day where someone doesn't giggle about something gross like farts or poop. A day where I have to ask someone to pick up their towel, or please get back to your homework.

I can't imagine life without these two. The way Hannah sees me sad and comes over to hug me. Andrew scratching my back as we watch a movie. Kisses goodnight, big grins, and those hugs that make a gloomy day bright again. Now this miracle is being brought to me a third time. A boy waiting to emerge who's personality will affect those around him. The ripple effect of life around him, as he touches those he meets. Just as others have touched our lives. I am so grateful to be given this gift once more.

My cup runneth over.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Short Update

Remember what I said about Mr. Brian, the music teacher? Well, Andrew was antsy to make sure that he gets a "last time" to hang w/Mr. Brian and play his violin with him. I'm serious-this boy went through like 3 years of moans and groans every time it was practice or lesson times. I even tried to bribe him with money, junk food, EVERYTHING to get him to love practicing. So yesterday, after I unplugged the video games, he went into his room and practiced (after his initial practice) for another half hour, to perfect the part of "Devil Went Down to Georgia" that he's been working on.

If you don't know "Devil Went Down to Georgia," or even if you do, find it on my music player. Listen specifically to the violin (ok, fiddle, in this case!) and realize-Andrew's learning that-and really well! WOW!

Again, a special thank you to 1 of the best teachers ever!

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Why I Can Never Go Into Labor!

Before I begin, let me say that I'm truly sorry if this blog rambles, has terrible grammar, and in general, makes no sense. I have extreme pregnancy brain right now!

Ok, now I can move on.... :)

These past few weeks, and especially this past week, have been insanely hectic! Andrew had City Tournament, where other leagues in the city form together to have one huge tournament. 3 games a week, practices in between. AAHH! Surprised any of us still have hair after that tournament! Unfortunately, the boys lost halfway through, and ended up in 4th place. Which, in the big picture, isn't bad, considering one of the leagues they played against were the ones from Vista who made it to the Little League World Series a couple of years back! Still to come-Tournament of Champions! Andrew's team, the White Sox, ended up in 1st place for their division in the league (2nd year Andrew's been on a 1st place team!) so they play TOC in 2 weeks. In the mean time, Coach has scheduled 3 practices next week, on top of their end of the year party.

Today was Closing Day Ceremonies for the regular season. The kids had a lot of fun. Andrew got his trophy for 1st place team. I think the best thing of all though, was that VALL (Vista American Little League) had a dunk tank this year, and all the the managers from all of the teams got in and let the kids from their team try and dunk 'em! I loved all the heckling from the coaches, and then seeing the coach crash down mid-smarty pants comment! The look on the kids faces as each one threw 'em in was hilarious! It was a really nice time, and great to see all the kids have some down time to hang out.

So all that baseball stuff would be reasons # 1, 2, & 3 why I'm not allowed to go into labor yet!

Also, let me preface the Music on the Green story with this; Mr. Brian is the music teacher at Temple Heights Elementary. He is a musical inspiration to everyone he crosses-in fact I would love to learn how to play guitar so I could go have a jam session with him! Andrew told him about his playing violin, and Mr. Brian was so excited that he told him that he absolutely HAD to bring his violin in during lunch to jam w/him and some other kids that came in. It really renewed Andrew's desire to play-something that's hard to do when you've been taking lessons for 5 years! He LOVES music, teaches guitar in the mornings to kids, has a bongo drum lesson for other kids, and just makes you love the music right along with him-it's impossible to explain without meeting him, but once you do, you can't stop talking about him either!

Soooo...From what I've come to understand-Mr. Brian doesn't get paid by the district. His entire ability to stay at Temple Heights is through the donations put together the year prior-if we raise enough, he gets to stay. There are many different ways-penny drives, your typical run of the mill candy sale type stuff, and this-Music on the Green. An entire evening devoted to keeping a salary alive for Mr. Brian. Everything, and I mean EVERYTHING for the night is donated. There's a silent auction with some amazing prizes, cake walks, jumpers, face painting, raffles, etc. Teachers even donate as much as they can. They had a booth where kids got to throw wet sponges at them! Also, each teacher donates a "win a lunch for you and a friend" for the silent auction-I won it for Hannah with her teacher. Well, Mrs. Keen told Hannah that she could bring 2, since she couldn't decide! Let me tell you, winning that silent auction wasn't easy to do-Mrs. Keen is very loved! Unfortunately I lost out on Andrew's teacher-those bids were way too rich for my blood. Also, Kathy & I were going to go halves for Mr. Brian, but his was extremely high also! Sad, but good too, because the bids were getting really high!

At the end of the evening, all of the grades come up one at a time and perform a song with choreography. Hannah's grade sang "Hound Dog" By Elvis. Andrew's grade actually worked with Mr. Brian during music class to take an existing song & change the lyrics to fit their grade. I got it on tape, but I'll have to switch it over to DVD to be able to share it.

So, there's reason # 4 why I'm not allowed to go into labor yet! I couldn't miss Music on the Green!

Reason # 5-Andrew has the infamous State Report Due on Tuesday, which pretty much makes or breaks his ability to move on to 6th, not really, but it's HUGE, and, unfortunately-he has the attention span of an ostrich! :)

Reason # 6-The kids both have the WAVE Water Park to attend for their end of the year treat for a year of working their little grubby fingers to the bone. Now, I know that the WAVE isn't that big of a deal, but it really is. They've been looking forward to this day all year-in fact, this will be Hannah's first year getting to go with the school. To pull them out of it and then have them have to wait around for the "just in case it happens any second" labor that I may very well have would be heartbreaking in their eyes! Gotta love the unpredictability of childbirth!

Reasons # 7 & 8-Andrew has a musical he's been working on w/his teacher for a while. That's not until the 11th. Then he has an official "graduation" ceremony on the 17th (last day of school)

Soo, I think that about covers it all. I think. Of course, there's always more-like Hannah's end of the year Girl Scout party, regular school life, and everything else..I know I'll be out of the hospital in a day..that it's not a life sentence-but I also know how EXHAUSTING life is with a newborn, and I don't want to miss a minute of these great things the kids are doing! They've worked so hard for all of it.

On to random good news. We'd been struggling with what to do about Steve's truck issue for a while now. He bought a truck about 2 years ago that turned out to be a total lemon, but he wasn't covered because he bought it "as is." So we were stuck with a truck that, albeit was almost paid off, didn't run right! Anyway, he was scouring everywhere to research the truck he wanted. He looked at private sales, walked into dealerships often, and had numerous discussions with me over the last year. Well, a few nights ago he found an add on Craigslist from the Dodge Dealership, and they had his dream truck for a really good price! I'm not kidding-this thing is literally his dream truck. Well, it's 2 wheel drive, but he's really ok with that, since he didn't plan on truly needing the 4 wheel often enough to ever justify the extra price. After a day of thinking it over (and over...and over...and over) WE GOT A NEW TRUCK! It is absolutely gorgeous, and I'm so excited, because it will not only allow him to expand his business further, it will also make it that much easier to tow anything & everything our little hearts desire! Now we can finally take our trailer or boat on long trips-like up to Pismo Beach or out to Lake Mead like we've been planning FOREVER! I am truly, completely, in love with this truck! :)

Well, I've rambled a lot, so allow me to take my exit-but not before posting some pictures, of course!

Andrew's 1st Place Team Trophy!

They always do a little parade to get there..ceremonies!

Andrew playing some of the songs he learned w/Mr. Brian. Not the best picture, but I'm too tired to edit this :)~ Besides-we all know he's adorable anyway!

Hannah with one of her bestest friends, Aliyah. Also a classmate & fellow Girl Scouter!

Our new baby before our new baby!

37 Weeks 5 days..getting verrrrrrry close!

Different shirt finally, thought I'd show I don't just wear the same outfit over and over!

Close up shot. Hmm..Too tired to make these look really good!

I had to throw this one in-how is she sleeping like this? (Her leg isn't resting on anything, it's just UP..thought I'd clear that up, since she's got a stuffed animal looking like it's supporting her leg) She had both legs up, but one fell right as I came in. So strange!