Thursday, February 26, 2009

Baby Olympics

Although nobody else has felt him kick yet, Thomas is in full swing. I think he's preparing for a triatholon of some sort, or to become a kickboxer. The only problem is, if anybody sticks their hand on my belly, he stops. As soon as their hand moves off, he starts up again! Of course, nights are the most active of all for him. Guess I'm being trained also huh?! It's good though, because now he's falling into a routine, and I look forward to hearing from him every day. He's not so cramped that I can't adjust & get him in a good nook of my belly, but I can tell he's getting to that point. 17 more weeks! It's really starting to hit harder with each passing week. I can't wait to see his little face with his ten little toes, and his reaction to us when he recognizes who we are!

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